Training Workshop “In Silico Methods in Hazard Identification”

The Italian Society of Toxicology (SITOX) is organizing a Workshop that  aims to provide more details on applying in silico methods in Hazard Identification of chemicals that will be held at the University of Milan (Via Balzaretti 9, Aula A) on 25 January 2019. The Workshop is free of charge to all Master students, Colleagues from the University of Milan and Public officers and is open at a modest cost to all.

Link to the registration form:

We have international speakers and trainers (Prof Mark Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University and Prof Chihae Yang, MN-AM, Nuremberg) and expect to attract international attendees from members of all the scientific societies interested in silico approach.

The scientific program will be available within a few days. The expected duration will be from 9:30 am to 4 pm.